Kevin Jarbo, PhD

Curriculum Vitae

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Updated on 24 September 2024


PhD Psychology (2018), Carnegie Mellon University + Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition (CNBC)

Dissertation Defense Passed: July 10, 2018

Dissertation Title: A Corticostriatal Mechanism for Integrating Subjective Value into Processes of Risky Decision-Making

Click here to download dissertation PDF

Master of Science, Psychology (2015), Carnegie Mellon University

Bachelor of Science, Biological Sciences (2006), University of Pittsburgh

Research Experience

2021-Present Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track), Social + Decision Sciences, CMU

2018-Present President's Postdoctoral Fellow, CMU

Primary Advisor: Dr Linda Babcock, Social + Decision Sciences

Co-Advisor: Dr Kody Manke, Psychology

2013-2018 Graduate Student Researcher Psychology + CNBC, CMU

Dissertation Chair: Dr Timothy D Verstynen

2012-2013 Clinical Research Assistant Surgical Neuroanatomy Lab, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Presbyterian Hospital

PI: Dr Juan Fernandez-Miranda

2010-2013 Clinical Research Assistant Department of Radiology, UPMC Presbyterian Hospital

2006-2013 Research Assistant Learning Research & Development Center, PITT

PI: Dr Walter Schneider

Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity Experience

2024-Present Undergraduate Committee Chair Strategic Plan Committee, Dietrich College, CMU

2019-2021 Committee Member Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Strategic Planning Committee, Tepper School of Business, CMU

Summer 2019 Student Academic Advisor Summer Academy for Math & Science (SAMS), CMU

2019-Present Committee Member Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, & Access Strategic Planning Committee, Dietrich College, CMU

2018-Present Senior Research Fellow Center for Student Diversity & Inclusion, CMU

2017-2018 Graduate Student Intern Center for Student Diversity & Inclusion, CMU

2017-2018 Graduate Student Advisory Council Member University Diversity & Inclusion Roundtable, CMU

2017-2018 Committee Member Diversity & Inclusion General Education Curriculum Committee, Dietrich College, CMU


Role Co-Principal Investigator

Grant Title Using fMRI-measured attitudes and actions to predict biased decisions to punish among White and Chinese Americans

Co-PI Roberto Vargas (PhD Candidate; Anticipated dissertation defense July 2022)

American Psychological Foundation | Amount $19,980

Status Funded

Dates 1 Apr 2022 – 31 Mar 2023

Products as of 29 April 2022 Experimental design in progress

Role Co-Principal Investigator

Grant Title “Understanding the impact of stereotype threat on decision making”


Dr. Linda Babcock (PI), Social + Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University

Dr. Kody Manke, Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University

Dr. Geoff Kaufman, Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

Russell Sage Foundation | Amount $169,611

Status Funded

Dates 1 Apr 2019 – 31 Mar 2021

Products as of 2 Mar 2019 2 survey studies in design, 1 behavioral study in design

Role Co-Principal Investigator

Grant Title “Morality under uncertainty: The impact of moral framing on spatial decision-making” 


David Colaço, History + Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh

Templeton Foundation | Amount $17,314

Status Funded

Dates 1 Aug 2016 – 30 Jun 2018

Products as of 18 Dec 2018 1 manuscript under review, 1 fMRI project in analysis, 1 survey study in design

Honors, Awards, & Fellowships

2018-2021 President's Postdoctoral Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University

Primary Advisor: Dr. Linda Babcock, Social + Decision Sciences

Co-Advisor: Dr. Kody Manke, Psychology

2018 Graduate Student Service Award, Carnegie Mellon University

2016 Kavli Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience Fellow, University of California Davis + Santa Barbara

2016 Templeton Foundation Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy Fellow, Duke University

2015-2016 Multimodal Neuroimaging Training Program Fellow, CNBC

2015 McClelland Prize for Outstanding Graduate Student Paper, CNBC

2014 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention

2013-2015 NIH Behavioral Brain Research Training Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University

2013 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention

2002-2006 Helen Faison Full Academic Scholarship, University of Pittsburgh

Manuscripts in Progress

Ng, T.L., Augustin, G., Barkley, J., Jay, L., Stempien-Smith, A., Lu, S., Jarbo, K., Manke, K., Kaufman, G. (in preparation). Effects of Syllabus Diversity Statement Authorship and Philosophies on Student Perceptions and Academic Engagement.

Ai, A., Lapadat, A., Nam, K., Lu, S., Jarbo, K., Manke, K., Kaufman, G. (in preparation). Do the source and motivation of diversity statements matter?

Jarbo, K. (in preparation). How the Importance of Trust Impacts Risk Preferences in Help-Seeking Decisions.

Colaço, D., & Jarbo, K. (in preparation). Predicting Moral Judgments from Moral Dispositions: Lessons from Decision-Making.

Manke, K., Jarbo, K., Turetsky, K. M., Purdie-Greenaway, V., Cohen, G. L. (in prep). Stereotype Threat Perseverance

Kaufman, G., Jarbo, K., & Gonzalez, C. (under review at Computers in Human Behavior). Bias at Play: Investigating Sensitization and Desensitization to Diversity and Inclusion via Interactions with Bots

Sanchez-Romero, R., Ramsey, J. D., Liang, J. C., Jarbo, K., Glymour, C. (under revision). Estimation of Voxelwise Effective Connectivities: Applications to High Connectivity Sub- Regions within Hippocampal and within Corticostriatal Networks. bioRxiv preprint:

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Jarbo, K., Lobczowski, N. G., Richey, J. E., Morton, E., & Koedinger, K. (2021). Student-Teacher Relationships Drive Student Help-Seeking from Teachers for Math Learning Challenges. (Single Paper Presentation at EARLI 2021 Annual Meeting)

Richey, J. E., Lobczowski, N. G., Jarbo, K., Morton, E., & Koedinger, K. (2021). Perceptions of Preparedness and Success Inform Undergraduates’ Feelings of Belonging. (Single Paper Presentation at EARLI 2021 Annual Meeting)

Jarbo, K., Colaço, D., & Verstynen, T. (2020). Contextual framing of loss impacts harm avoidance during risky spatial decisions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. Advanced online publication.

Jarbo, K., Flemming, R., & Verstynen, T. D. (2018). Sensory uncertainty impacts avoidance during spatial decisions. Experimental brain research, 236(2), 529-537.

Faraji, A. H., Abhinav, K., Jarbo, K., Yeh, F., Shin, S. S., Pathak, S., Hirsch, B. E., Schneider, W., Fernandez-Miranda, J. C., Friedlander, R. M. (2015). Longitudinal evaluation of corticospinal tract in patients with surgically resected brainstem cavernous malformations using high definition fiber tractography and diffusion connectometry analysis: preliminary experience. Journal of Neurosurgery 123(5): 1133-1144.

Presson, N., Krishnaswamy, D., Wagener, L., Bird, W., Jarbo, K., Pathak, S., Puccio, A. M., Borasso, A., Benso, S., Okonkwo, D. O., Schneider, W. S. (2015). Quantifying White Matter Structural Integrity with High Definition Fiber Tracking in Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Military Medicine, 180(35): 109-121.

Jarbo, K. & Verstynen, T. (2015). Converging structural and functional connectivity of orbitofrontal, dorsolateral prefrontal, and posterior parietal cortex in the human striatum. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(9): 3865-3878. http://doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2636-14.2015

Fernandez-Miranda, J. C., Pathak, S., Engh, J., Jarbo, K., Verstynen, T., Wang, Y., Boada, F., Schneider, W., Friedlander, R. (2012). High-Definition Fiber Tractography of the Human Brain: Neuroanatomical Validation and Neurosurgical Applications. Neurosurgery, 71(2): 430-53.

Shin, S., Verstynen, T., Pathak, S., Jarbo, K., Hricik, A., Maserati, M., Beers, S.R., Puccio, A. M., Okonkwo, D., Schneider, W. (2012). High Definition Fiber Tracking for Assessment of Neurological Deficit in a Case of Traumatic Brain Injury: Finding, Visualizing, and Interpreting Small Sites of TBI Damage. Journal of Neurosurgery, 116: 1062-9.

Verstynen, T., Badre, D., Jarbo, K., Schneider, W. (2012). Microstructural organizational patterns in the human corticostriatal system. Journal of Neurophysiology, 107(11): 2984-2995.

Jarbo, K., Verstynen, T., Schneider, W. (2012). In vivo quantification of global connectivity of the human corpus callosum. NeuroImage, 59: 1988-96. ***Cover image***

Verstynen, T., Jarbo, K., Pathak, S., Schneider, W. (2011). In vivo assessment of microstructural topographies in the human corticospinal pathways. Journal of Neurophysiology, 105: 336-46.

Invited Talks

2021 ArtLab Vanderbilt Speaker Series, Invited Talk with Student Discussion

“Mindscapes PGH”

2021 Royal Holloway University of London, Invited Social Psychology Brown Bag Talk

“Clearing the Air: Understanding Stereotype Threat Effects on Student Decision-Making”

2020 Carnegie Mellon University, Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience Methods Lecture Instructor: Roberto Vargas

“Diffusion MRI and Using Neural Circuitry to Understand Cognitive Processes”

2020 Carnegie Mellon University, Tartan Scholars Boot Camp, Invited Lecture

“Clearing the Air about Stereotype Threat”

2020 Carnegie Mellon University, Social + Decision Sciences, Faculty Job Talk

“Clearing the Air | Understanding Stereotype Threat Effects on Student Decision Making”

2019 Indiana University, Program in Neuroscience, Invited Colloquium

“Using Neural Circuitry to Understand the Implementation of Cognitive Processes”

2018 Carnegie Mellon University, Social + Decision Sciences, Research Seminar

“Context Matters! How framing choice outcomes impacts loss avoidance and neural representations during risky decision-making”

2018 Carnegie Mellon University, Psychology, Social Brown Bag

“Stereotype threat effects on avoidance during decision-making”

2017 University of Pittsburgh (ENGCMP 200): Seminar in Composition Instructor: Heather Kresge

“Ten simple rules for structuring papers”

2015 Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition Annual Retreat McClelland Prize Talk

“Converging frontal and parietal pathways in the human striatum”

2015 Carnegie Mellon University (03-763): Advanced Systems Neuroscience Instructor: Dr. DJ Brasier

“Converging frontal and parietal pathways in the human striatum”

Conference Presentations

Colaço, D., & Jarbo, K. (2021), Predicting Moral Judgments from Moral Dispositions. Abst. Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SPP) Annual Meeting

Lobczowski, N. G., Jarbo, K., Richey, J. E., Morton, E., & Koedinger, K. (2021). A narrative inquiry of critical moments in students’ paths to math success. Roundtable presentation. American Education Research Association (AERA) 2021 Annual Meeting

Jarbo, K., Manke, K., Schenck, B., Kaufman, G., Babcock, L. “The Impact of Stereotype Threat on Academic Help-Seeking and Procrastination”. Abst. Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2020

Jarbo, K. & Colaço, D. “Morality under Uncertainty: The impact of moral framing on spatial decisions”. Abst. Summer Seminars in Neuroscience and Philosophy 2017

Jarbo, K. & Verstynen, T. “Neural substrates of risky spatial decision making under perceptual uncertainty”. Abst. Society for Neuroscience 2016

Jarbo, K., Flemming, R., Verstynen, T. “Highway from the Danger Zone: Interactions between uncertainly and cost in spatial estimation”. Abst. Society for Neuroscience 2014

Jarbo, K. & Verstynen, T. “Convergence of posterior parietal, orbitofrontal, and lateral prefrontal inputs into the human striatum”. Abst. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2014, CNBC 20th Anniversary, Pittsburgh MR Imaging Retreat 2014

Schneider, W., Okonkwo, D. O., Presson, N., Jarbo, K., Puccio, A. M., Borasso, A., Beers, S., Morrow, L., Pathak, S. “High Definition Fiber Tracking of Blast mTBI: Making the Invisible Wounds of War Visible with Patient-Targeted Treatment”. Abst. Military Health System Research Symposium 2014

Schneider, W., Okonkwo, D. O., Jarbo, K., Wagener, L., Bird, W., Presson, N., Braun, E., Chmura, J. “Training and Support Programs to Learn, Implement, and Support HDFT Analysis and How to Join the Group of Intake Sites”. Abst. Military Health System Research Symposium 2014

Jarbo, K., Verstynen, T., Schneider, W. “High definition fiber tracking of corpus callosum fiber pathways”. Abst. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2011

Pathak, S., Verstynen, T., Jarbo, K., Schneider W., Fernandez-Miranda, J. C. “High definition fiber tracking in neurosurgery & traumatic brain injury”. Abst. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2011

Phillips, A., Jarbo, K., Tokowicz, N. “Individual differences in adult second language vocabulary learning”. Abst. Eighth International Symposium on Bilingualism 2011

Schneider, W., Jarbo, K., Shin, S., Verstynen, T., Pathak, S., Fernandez-Miranda, J. C., Okonkwo, D., Boada, F. “Clinical Quality Fiber Tracking and Connectome Mapping in Neurosurgery & Traumatic Brain Injury”. Abst. Human Brain Mapping 2011

Verstynen, T., Jarbo, K., Phillips, J., Pathak, S., Schneider, W. “High definition fiber tracking of corticostriatal projection subfields in vivo”. Abst. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2011

Tokowicz, N., & Jarbo, K. “The generation effect applied to second language vocabulary learning”. Abst. Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society 2009

Moss, J., Schunn, C., Van Lehn, K., Schneider, W., McNamara, D. S., & Jarbo, K. “They Were Trained, But They Did Not All Learn: Individual Differences in Uptake of Learning Strategy Training”. In B. C. Love, K. McRae, & V. M. Sloutsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (p.1389). Cognitive Science Society 2008

Student Leadership Positions

2017-2018 Activism Chair, Black Graduate Student Organization, CMU

2014-2018 Social Committee Co-Chair, CNBC

2016-2017 Graduate Advocate, Department of Psychology, CMU

2014-2017 Graduate Social Chair, Department of Psychology, CMU

2005-2006 Programming Chair, Beta Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., PITT

Teaching Experience

2022 Carnegie Mellon University (88-302 and 88-602): Behavioral Decision Making (Spring)

Duties: Instructor, lecture, grading, office hours, supervising graduate TA

2021 Carnegie Mellon University (66-131): Grand Challenge First-Year Seminar - We’re Not Beyond Race: Race & Identity in America (Fall)

Duties: Co-Instructor with Dr. Kody Manke, course design, lecture, grading, office hours

2016 Carnegie Mellon University (08-241): Social Psychology

Duties: Teaching assistant, lectured, grading, and office hours

2016 Carnegie Mellon University (08-211): Cognitive Psychology

Duties: Teaching assistant, lectured, grading, and office hours

2015 Carnegie Mellon University (08-102): Introduction to Psychology

Duties: Teaching assistant, led recitation sections, lectured, grading, and office hours

2013 University of Pittsburgh (PSY 2471): Topics in Psychology: Brain Connectivity Mapping

Duties: Guest lecturer, guided laboratory tutorials, lesson planning, and grading

2012 University of Pittsburgh (PSY 2471): Topics in Psychology: Mapping Brain Connectivity

Duties: Guest lecturer, guided laboratory tutorials, lesson planning, and grading

Current Professional Affiliations

Society for Judgment and Decision Making

Society for Personality and Social Psychology

Cognitive Science Society

Nu Rho Psi National Honor Society

Ad Hoc Reviewer


Movement Disorders

Philosophy of Science

Cerebral Cortex